Agile Photographic Society (APS), Bangladesh.
Foto Cine Club Valparaíso (FCCV), Chile.
Photoclub Alianza Francesa (PAF), Colombia
Chair: Sohel Parvez Haque, EPSA
Co-Chair: Henry Navarro Montalvo, Director
Tel.: +8801817183344 (Whatsapp, Viber, Wechat)

Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP 2024/637)
Agile Photographic Society (APS 2024-104)
Photoclub Alianza Francesa (PAF 2024-104)
Foto Cine Club Valparaíso (FCCV 2024-104)
This contest is organized by Foto Cine Club Valparaíso (FCCV), Photoclub Alianza Francesa (PAF) and Agile Photographic Society (APS). The entry of this exhibition is open to photographers all over the world. It will be organized under the approved rules of FIAP, PAF, FCCV and the Agile Photographic Society. All acceptances will count for FIAP and APS.
There are Six (6) sections, all DIGITAL:
OPEN COLOR (color digital) PIDC
OPEN MONOCHROME (monochrome digital) PIDM
NATURE (color/monochrome digital) ND
LANDSCAPE / ARCHITECTURE (color/monochrome digital) PIDC
PORTRAIT & BODY (color/monochrome digital) PIDC
WOMAN / MAN / CHILD (color/monochrome digital) PIDC
Each photo can be presented in only one section.
Each entrant may submit a maximum of four images in each of the 4 sections.
Submit of photos
ALL entries MUST be submitted via the internet. Entries NOT submitted via our entry page will not be judged.
The maximum number of works is four (4) per section.
All images are to be submitted in JPEG format. Maximum image size (including any borders) is 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high and DPI is 300. This is the native resolution of the projector so these dimensions will give optimum viewing. Please note, portrait images must be no larger than 1080 pixels high. Smaller images are acceptable but will be projected smaller on the screen. Image file sizes must not be bigger than 1.95Mb. The projection background is black, DO NOT fill empty space with/or add large borders. Any borders should be no greater than 2 pixels wide and must be incorporated within the 1920 x 1080 pixels image size.
Please check all image sizes before submission; images with sizes larger than specified will be rejected by the entry form and will inform you to resubmit.

Entry fee
The entry fee for entries are to be paid by following the instructions on the website when filling out the entry form. Payment should be in accordance with the entry fees stated there. Cheques are not accepted. Entries for which no or insufficient payment has been received will not be judged.
Entrance fee per person for the exhibition:
Entry Fee
$122 SEC
Entry Fee
$164 SEC
Entry Fee
206 SEC
Group discount is available (Minimum 5 Persons). USD 16 for 6 sections. Pls contact with salon chairman for your GROUP ID.
We accept payment in any currency, though during payment, PayPal would convert your currency to the above stated USD fees at its daily exchange rate.
Fees are same for Foreign and Local (Bangladeshi) entrants.
Possible ways of payment:
PayPal transfer to (Preferred method)·
MoneyBookers-Skrill transfer to·
12 x HM (PDF) | 12 x HM (PDF) | 12 x HM (PDF) | 12 x HM (PDF) | 12 x HM (PDF) | 12 x HM (PDF) |
In recognition of the efficient management, a number of FIAP & APS Medals will be awarded together with FIAP Ribbons. A number of “e-Certificates” certificate will be awarded in each section. Accepted entries will be eligible for FIAP and APS distinctions. Ribbons and Medals will be posted by local post for Bangladeshi entrants and registered mail for overseas entrants. The salon cannot be held responsible for failure of the postal authorities to deliver.
Closing date: 21 Oct 2024
Judging: 18 Nov 2024
Notification: 25 Nov 2024
On-Line Gallery: 17 Jan 2025
FIAP File Submission: 18 Dec 2024
Catalog & Awards Sending: 17 Jan 2025
As the photographer wishes. All information needed will be collected from the online entry system. Maximum of 35 characters. Please do not use invalid characters such us / \ : ? * ” < > | ‘ #
Author copyright
Each entrant owns the copyright of the submitted images. The entrant certifies the work as his own. The entrant permits the organizers to reproduce the entered material free of charge for promotional purposes related to the Salon, like the catalog and the website, Social Media, unless specifically stated otherwise by the entrant on the entry form.
Each entrant will receive free of charge a best quality digital catalogue of all awarded works by email.
Notification Card
Each entrant will receive via e-mail a auto scoring report card with the results of his/her submitted photos. All results will be uploaded in the website of the Salon.
Name of the Juries

Stefan Stuppnig

Hernan Jaramillo

Dalva Couto Ribeiro
It will be ONLINE Judging and the Chairman will be responsible for all setups.
Judging equipment will be color-calibrated
Judging equipment used will be capable of displaying images at 100% of the image resolution.
Target Acceptance will be 25%.
Agree with the conditions
SUBMISSION of an entry signifies acceptance of all our conditions.
An entry may be rejected by the organizers if it does not conform to Salon rules and conditions.
Jury Decision
The jury decision is final.
Condition of Entry
The exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to the exhibition rules and conditions.
Entries are limited to not more than 4 images per section, category, or class. An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging in that section. Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own (aliases are not permitted). The entrant permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website. Note: Entrants who indicate that their images may not be reproduced or used “will not be eligible for awards” or inclusion in audio-visuals of the exhibition “and could be subject to disqualification” by the exhibition sponsors.
The exhibition assumes no liability of any misuse of copyright. Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the maker. All parts of the image have to be photographed by the author who is holding the copyright of all works submitted. All final work must be on photographic film, or on electronic file, or on photographic or electronic print material, mounting excepted. Entries must originate as photographs made by the entrant. Images can be altered.
4 images per section, total of 12 images. All images must be in JPG file format, the file size must be maximum 1920 pixels horizontal and 1080 pixels vertical and should not exceed 2MB.
Judging equipment: Full HD screens.
Entry submission signifies acceptance of all rules and conditions of the exhibition.
File name:
Each image must have a unique title. Once an image has been accepted in a PSA Recognized exhibition, that same image, or a like “in camera” or a “reproduction” duplicate of that image:
May not be re-entered in any section of the same Division Star Ratings class in that exhibition regardless of media, format, or
May not be re-titled for entry in any other PSA Recognized
Words such as “Untitled” and “No Title” are not acceptable as part or all of an image’s title, nor are camera capture filenames.
No title or identification of the maker shall be visible anywhere on the face of an Image.
All information needed will be collected from the online entry system. Please do not use invalid characters such as: / \ : ? * ” <> | ‘ #
The images must be uploaded via Internet on our website
Exhibition Chairman:
Sohel Parvez Haque EPSA
Phone: +8801817183344
Information and contact:
Sohel Parvez Haque EPSA
Phone: +8801817183344
By the sole act of submitting his/her images or files to a salon under FIAP Patronage, the entrant accepts without exception and with no objection that the submitted images can be investigated by FIAP to establish if these obey to FIAP regulations and definitions even if the entrant is not a member of FIAP; that FIAP will use any means at its disposal for this undertaking; that any refusal to cooperate with FIAP or any refusal to submit the original files as captured by the camera, or failure to provide sufficient evidence, will be sanctioned by FIAP and that in case of sanctions following the non-compliance with FIAP regulations, the name of the entrant will be released in any form useful to inform the breaches of the rules. It is recommended to leave the EXIF data in the submitted files intact in order to ease eventual investigations.
If at any time, it is determined in the reasonable discretion of the exhibition organizer or the judges before, during, or after the judging of an exhibition that an entrant has submitted entries where one or more images may fail to comply with these Conditions of Entry, including the stated definitions, the exhibition organizers reserve the right to delete the entry from the exhibition and void any or all acceptances or awards in connection with the exhibition. Fees may be forfeited or refunded in these circumstances. The entrant acknowledges that the decision of the exhibition organizers or the judges is final.
In order to ensure that images comply with the Conditions of Entry and definitions, the exhibition organizers may carry out reasonable measures to verify that:
the images are the original work of the entrant and
the images comply with the rules and definitions as set out in these Conditions of
These steps include, but are not limited to, questioning any entrant, requiring the submission of RAW files or other digital files representing the original capture of the submitted image(s), confronting the entrant with evidence that one or more submitted images fails to comply with the Conditions of Entry (also known as Entry Rules), and offering the entrant a reasonable opportunity to provide counter evidence to refute the exhibition organizer’s evidence by a set deadline. Such entries that are not cleared or are still questionable after the entrant has presented evidence may be considered in breach of these Conditions of Entry, and declined. Such entries may be referred to PSA for further investigation of possible ethics violations.
PSA retains the right to investigate in any way all complaints/suspicions of breaches of entry conditions, impose sanctions if deemed necessary, void the acceptances of any image found to violate the PSA rules, include the entrant’s name on the list of sanctions provided to Exhibitions, and share such investigations with FIAP. Entrants automatically agree to these terms by the act of entering the Exhibition and agree to cooperate with any investigation.
By entering this exhibition, you are explicitly consenting to the personal details you have supplied, including email addresses, being held, processed and used by the exhibition organizers for purposes associated with this exhibition. You also explicitly consent to such information being sent to organizations which have accorded official recognition, patronage or accreditation to this exhibition. You acknowledge and accept that entering this exhibition means that the status and results of your entry may be made public.
Your email address and contact information will not be made public.
FIAP Definition of the black and white photography (monochrome).
A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear grey (white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey.
A black and white work toned entirely in a single colour will remain a monochrome work able to stand in the black and white category; such a work can be reproduced in black and white in the catalogue of a salon under FIAP Patronage.
On the other hand a black and white work modified by a partial toning or by the addition of one colour becomes a colour work (polychrome) to stand in the colour category; such a work requires colour reproduction in the catalogue of a salon under FIAP Patronage.
Entries or authors that fail to follow these instructions will be disqualified without refund of fees! We will specially inform about sending of awards. All awards will be sent as registered post. We take no responsibility for missing or damaged post.
FIAP NOTICE: In order to have legal authority on those who do not respect the rules of FIAP, the organiser must make sure that all participants of an online event under FIAP Patronage tick a box next to which the following text is stated: “I hereby expressly agree to FIAP document 018/2017 « Conditions and regulations for FIAP Patronage » and FIAP document 033/2021« Sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list ». I am particularly aware of chapter II « Regulations for International photographic events under FIAP patronage » of FIAP document 018/2017, dealing under Section II.2 and II.3 with the FIAP participation rules, the sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list”